Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stone Soup

Stone Soup is about a three poor soldiers that were coming through a village.  The village got word and started hiding all the food...knowing that the soldiers would steal it.  These soldiers were more cunning than that.  They told a story about a stone that aided in making the most tasty soup. If only they had a pot.

Someone gets a pot, then the villagers bring wood and build a fire.  The soldiers fill the pot up with water and drop the stone into the pot.  If only the soliders had some golden carrots to add to this rich broth.  One of the villagers remembers he has some and adds it.

Soon everyone has contributed to the soup and there is enough soup to feed the whole town and the soldiers.

This is my version of Stone Soup.
It started as lentil soup.  Soup can easily be made with 7 ingredients and water or broth.  I made my lentil soup with
  • 2 cups of dried lentils soaked
  •  4 cups of water or enough to cover it.
  • salt
  • a pinch of savory
  • saute 2 onions
  • add 2 grated zuchini
  • and 2 grated carrots
                I cooked my lentil soup in a thermos pot...but I will do a post about that later.  I brought it up to a boil and left it in the thermos for 4 hours till I was ready to cook dinner.  Then while I cooked dinner I just went ahead and sauted the onion - carrots and added them to the pot and simmered them

Now I did this a couple weeks ago.  I have since been heating this soup up once a day and adding more things to my soup as the soup would get eaten down.  Today I am adding some stir fry vegetables from yesterday and some frozen okra.

You can tell from this picture that it doesn't look a whole lot like it's original, lentil soup.
This is a great way to keep leftovers from building up in your refrigerator.  It is fun to see how long you can keep it going.  Sometimes it is hard because as it gets more and more complex the flavors get better and soon you might just have a half a cup of soup left.  Like I did recently.  I just started cooking my lentil soup over again and added the half a cup of soup to it.

Great to have with corn bread, over rice, on a bake potato, or just when you don't have time to cook but need something that will stick to your ribs.


I have heard that in the old days a cook would have such a pot on the back of her wood cook stove that would always be warm and that she would continually replenish.


  1. My mom used to do this when we were kids. I can't remember ever complaining, and I'm a big fan of soup to this day.

  2. Thank you for the memory. We need to restore what the "machine" has caused us to forget...our soul food...our roots.
